And they call it a conspiracy. KEK! We own the internet now. I'm not even gonna answer any calls from people who called me crazy. This is just the beginning. :) The storm is here and well waterboard these zombies straight to hell.
Watch all these blind followers say "I don't even use social media anymore" now that their safe space has been BTFO. HA! The real world will blow them the fuck out too. Sheeple won't be safe until they wake the hell up! MAGA!
(((THEY))) worship money and enslaved us with it. It's the most important. Selling babies for what? MONEY. False flags for what? MONEY.
He needs to drop memes on Planned Parenthood and the FED…the masses would rise up so fucking quick.
They aren't gonna find me kek.
Hope they're looking for Hollywood pedo-satanists. Drop bombs on all of them!