>>11849976 (lb)
So were the Knights Templar.
>>11849976 (lb)
So were the Knights Templar.
Honestly? Remind them we are literally watching a movie. Nancy daid,said, openly, she didnt want to impeach. She was made to. the exact senate seat count came about because some fuckery with AZ; remember? All planned. COVID? No, Trump didnt have to play along with it, but he did. Think about trials being heard while everyone is on lockdown.
Yeah, life sucks right now, and people are fighting each other. Families are at each others' throat, and Trump gets to put the blame on "doctors". Our freedoms are restricted by tyrants and fighting back the real way is unacceptable, for now, because it's all under control. Everyone is getting a good strong whiff of socialism to prove "muh capitalism is better". Q is going way above and beyond to make this entire thing as allegorical and linked to the Bible as possible to prove "muh world's oldest psyop".
But remember, for the plan to work doesn't imply anons need to understand all of it. On the contrary, we should expect some despair from time to time because how else would anons "exercise faith" in a world as absolutely fucked as it is now.
Also keep reminding folks that there have been more trafficking busts thanโฆ ever under Trump.
She has a beer belly, and has been taking it up the ass since high school. Unless you think warts or the herp deep is "attractive" you should rethink it.
Three Q posts in response to R and JR and people still believe he might be alive. It is fucking enraging how successful that was. Media Object Server snagged a couple. Schumann Resonances snagged way more than it should have. Sather was absolutely obsessed with aliens; major fucking distraction. Q confirmed P = Payseur, and still there are fights over that. Looking Glass isn't some fucking science fiction device (it's all military planning and execution). The super hi rez porn spammer is doing pretty well.
Then there is AFLB. That fucking piece of shit is in a category all its own. Stomp his face in with logic, and his go to is accusations of pedophilia or "you tried to be one of us".
Good evening lads,
How are the Gitmo preparations coming along? I see that in 4 years we have had a single Kevin Clinesmith plea-bargain, bravo. Has anyone seen the Huber report? What about the Durham grand juries? Anyone? Can we chalk that up to disinformation?
Less than two weeks to go before the electoral college puts the rubber stamp on this election steal. "Treason", isn't that what it used to be called? GOP/Rhino sellouts certifying fraud? No worries, we'll have 4 years of Biden and 65/35 Democrat majorities in every state going forward, courtesy of Dominion Voting Systems. But at least we caught a glimpse of MAGA before the global reset is shoved up our asses.
Thanks Q. It's been a barrel of laughs before our nation goes down in flames. Glad I could contribute a meme or two to this absolute dumpster fire.
Here's hoping we end up in the same FEMA re-education camp.
Oh yeah, and here's a big fuck you while we're at it.
You arent going to want to hear it, but go vegan for 2 weeks. Take notes.
You make great points and I will not be answering the door.
Bravo. Excellent.
Can't believe you made such a great meme for this election steal dumpster fire.
>That moment when you realize Zeitgeist actually nailed the religious shit
Yep, won't be for everyone. That's for certain.
I'll tell ya, I was fairly impressed with myself when that LARPing BDAnon started making posts with redheads. Clock tags borrowed them, too, for a minute. Been a fun ride, that's for certain.
Can we officially declare Lin Wood a looney toon, now?
That's a lot of pull in the well.
The Maestro's going to go for 3.
Democracy survives by governing through the consent of the people. Once an election is stolen in this glaring fashion, the social contract is broken. Society as you say, rises to the challenge and justice prevails or our society becomes hopelessly corrupt, the middle class is exported and destroyed and our future generations will be 90% reduced population corrupt, poorly educated serfs.