so who's the nigger that has to pound suck stretchin gretchin dirty dozen creamins
MI Hearing on Election Fraud
clown already outing self:
matt hall R-Marshall MI
nigger looks like one of hitlers soi bois
doesn't want Guiliani, raises flags
won with 31K votes , next highest 18K -flag
worked with L-3 communications - government funded
PA help them out now, by getting them to vote to reinforce your representation. if they won't show and vote, then its off your conscience when the military tribunals hang em for treason
wut do u do when your running out of time
orange man bad wont' concede
you got no power no intelligence and no sniper seal operatives controlled by the cia to do yo dirty deeds
you go AMERICAN PEOPLE OR MILITARY to back you up
bunch of kuk globalists and an army of antifa blm soi gois run by ben collins and mick crotchschild
you get schizo and start panicking - like Wisconsin, Arizona, and the rest of the cuck governors who sold out to chYna. koomies gone roostin