Just wanted to share something that helped reel a normie back in who started to stray..
It is hard to hold the line when our entire lives have proven a dual justice system but if 2020 has proved one thing is that stranger things have already happened. We have God, we have the light, we have the will of free people that will take their last breath fighting for the land given to us by our creator and those deaths will not be in vein but for the ultimate sacrifice, for our family, friends, neighbors and everyone around the world who have been enslaved by satanic worshipers. The liberation of the world has always been the long term focus and we are reaching the apex. We are barring witness to the point in time that will be read about for generations to come!
Thank you all for answering the call and proving that I was never in the minority but the no longer silent majority! On behalf of every patriot, who in past times was reluctant to speak from the heart, God bless you all!
Let’s get em boys!