The main problem is time. TIME IS TIGHT.
I'm gonna guess many anons realize team Trump is working to get the entire election to SCOTUS, similar to a class action lawsuit; all states involved in one suit, if possible. If enough evidence is produced to show widespread fraud in many states, SCOTUS will determine enough fraud was evidenced and rule particular states certifications are null and void due to unconstitutionality of "unauthorized rule changes". Send it to the House to decide. 1 state = 1 vote.
These state hearings and recounts are significant for AFTER President Trump is reelected. Then the evidence and indictments, tribunals come out for these states and other states and their perps, including MN, NM, VA and yes, CA. This will also overturn House and Senate wins by Dems. Public opinion will be satisfied that there was a Trump landslide and things will calm down…except for the DS and antifa-types. However, by then, (((they))) will be nearly defeated and will lose their power. DS is gonna have a world-wide fall, not just USA.