I'm not getting how the video proves what CM says, not that I doubt it. Can't they just say he did a security update or some other bullshit thing? We all know that all the MSM (or any other comped fuck) needs is a soundbite, no matter how obviously false it is. Hunter's laptop as Russian disinfo is a prime example.
Onsite "support" is built into the contract.
Don't know and it doesn't matter. His info can be found out. Just hope they have the computers/server so they can see what exactly that guy did at that time. But the video in itself doesn't demonstrate fraud. They'd need the audit trail for that.
I don't see that video resulting in a tossed out election. No way will that happen, even if it should.
They probably only hire FBI vetted commies.
>I fucking hate these people, and have no interest in unifying with them. They need to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, and if found guilty of treason, hanged and unceremoniously discarded to the ash-heap of history.
Agreed. They will never stop trying to destroy our nation. They're enemies. End of story.
Why would he even be in that bin?