This voter fraud exposure should be eye opening to every citizen of western foreign countries as well. All of you likely have decision makers in place due to the exact same thing. Germany, Canada, France, Britain, all of you (and more). This whole thing is just so bad. If we (citizens) allow this to happen then we fucking deserve to lose our civilizations. There is just no way we can allow this, none. This is our Founding Fathers moment. The future of the planet legitimately depends on the citizens of the west to handle these issues.
Given what I have been reading of late from multiple different sites, there are certain a whole lot who would be more than happy to go down that road. The whole "pussified" west thing is total bullshit as well as that merely has to do with what people see in the media and TV which are all betas. Many American men would take serious and great pride in handling this issue and be absolutely enthused about doing it.
What does public opinion matter? All that matters is handling business and removing issues/winning a conflict. Who gives a single shit what people think, nobody should (ever). Alphas do what needs to be done and says "fuck you" to the opinion of the sheep. Betas only worry about those opinions and let those dictate what is right and wrong while they watch the world burn.
Do you think the Romans gave a shit what random citizen Joe thought? They didn't. What about the Brits, the French, the Khan, etc. None of them cared. They had deep love for each and every citizen who loved their country and everybody else they couldn't care less if they died and even made it happen. So why should any American who loves their country give even a single shit about what an anti American thinks? They have started a conflict with our country, they have tried to kill our country, kill our way of life, and you think we should care about their opinions in some make believe public opinion court? Fuck that.
You really think that is how society works? Truly? Perhaps in this online world you may have a point but the majority of people in the real world don't give a fuck who is in charge as long as their way of life and world does not get messed with. They don't care about race, they don't care about who fucks who, they just care about their life and their loved ones. So they wouldn't blink twice or care a moment if traitors went missing or were crucified in public. Sure they would complain for a day or two but then the next best thing would happen and they would forget all about it. You think I am wrong perhaps? Just look at the past few years alone. Mass shooting in Vegas, many dead, who cares about it now? When it happened everybody was talking about it, now? Nobody really.
That is the way of the world, it rolls on. It's kill or be killed in the game of who is in control and the normal everyday citizens know and have always known this since the dawn of time. They know they can't do anything about it because it is a game above their (would be) pay grade. Sure they may end up being afraid of whoever did it but that passes too. Clinton got away with murdering everyone in their path for decades. It was talked about but nobody truly gave a shit about it which is one major reason we are in the position we are in today.
Equality is a lie, a falsehoods told to control the masses. There is no equality, there is no "at the end of the day everybody will be happy". There is only those who seize the moment and take control of their lives/the moment or those who burn out and worry about what others think. So what if public opinion is shit, it has been shit since the media started their lies five years ago about this POTUS, do you think it matters now? It doesn't. The only way to handle issues when poison infects a body is to remove and kill off the poison or the poison will come back and kill the body. That is the situation. So you can either pretend like there are more complex narratives to it all you wish but there aren't any. There is only win or lose and the loser never gets the chance to try again, THAT… THAT is the real world.