Sounds like he has some middle eastern blood and Hispanic.
The Uniparty typically quashes or absorbs/ flips its respective upstart arms (D Bernie AOC), (R Tea Party, MAGA).
Many RINO TP ppl come to mind.
The Ds have Harris in the mainstream which is Obama++ direction. Some Bernie planks may be included this time.
As for Rs - reformation not possible.
Must be 3rd party.
Perhaps this 2020 situation can be a start IF POTUS is ultimately cheated.
Growing a 3rd party is 16 yr plus endeavor.
Also remember the chamber of commerce influence which ain't mainstreet oriented.
Copy that.
Today let us not be suckered into the irrelevant:
Board Banner sodomy
27 yr old embryo musings
C before D
Pleather Pants
Et al
I've read parts of your post before. Just can't remember who wrote it though.
The 16 year thing triggered my memory.
Can't argue with most of what you posted whether you wrote it or not.
If nothing else perhaps the entire thing 2015-2020 + the black years of clinton bush obama WITH Q as a guiding catalyst have forged an insurgency force to do something.
Oh but they did - if not directly then through their weak R legislatures.
Hobson's Choice argument.
Other possibly permutations and the ones given are not mutually exclusive.
I hear you. "What" is coming becomes paramount.