>>11854717 LB
See? In the very next breath, you're guilty of the very same accusation you just made against a broanon! You're accusation that his ego is in the way of an issue that isn't important because the only thing that is important is the Truth! If you believed what you were saying, you'd realize that you're making a bigger issue out of the very issue you're admonishing the broanon of! IF you declare "it's not important", BUT, the broanon thinks it's important…why not concede for the sake, peace and well-being of the broanon you're arguing with? YOU KNOW WHY you don't concede? BECAUSE…like the leftist commies we're dealing with, YOU let your ego get in the way! You're an arrogant hypocrite! If it's not important to you…give the broanon his due!