Anonymous ID: f7f9a9 Dec. 1, 2020, 6:15 a.m. No.11854778   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4787

>>11854717 LB

See? In the very next breath, you're guilty of the very same accusation you just made against a broanon! You're accusation that his ego is in the way of an issue that isn't important because the only thing that is important is the Truth! If you believed what you were saying, you'd realize that you're making a bigger issue out of the very issue you're admonishing the broanon of! IF you declare "it's not important", BUT, the broanon thinks it's important…why not concede for the sake, peace and well-being of the broanon you're arguing with? YOU KNOW WHY you don't concede? BECAUSE…like the leftist commies we're dealing with, YOU let your ego get in the way! You're an arrogant hypocrite! If it's not important to you…give the broanon his due!

Anonymous ID: f7f9a9 Dec. 1, 2020, 6:33 a.m. No.11854929   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5027 >>5066


Alright…lets looks at this another way…the point I was trying to make is that WE ARE AMERICANS! There is a direct link between our National decline and our social decline! Our entire decline began with our social decline! We USED TO BE a Nation that was bound by character, ethics and morality…and as such, we were given to a spirit of consideration and charity towards one another…we were more inclined to live with a spirit of sacrifice for one another BECAUSE WE ARE AMERICANS! THAT used to mean something! BUT nowadays, the spirit of self-worship pervades our land and one anon cannot even seem to muster up enough "sacrifice" and consideration over an admittedly "trivial" "non-important" issue to give the bro anon what he's asking for! THAT is the problem with self-worship! And that is the root cause of WHY we're at the precipice of losing our Nation! Our Forefathers were right…only a MORAL people can sustain a Constitutional Republic! REMEMBER THAT when you're fighting other anons over your "free speech" "right" to slather this place with pron!

Anonymous ID: f7f9a9 Dec. 1, 2020, 7:11 a.m. No.11855259   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5266


>free speech does not end with porn. it ends with CP at least here.


You twist to suit the desires of your heart! I remember when homo's were being "normalized", many of us said that it would lead to attacks on the nuclear family…we were called "homophobic". You say pron is free speech…remember the Larry Flynt "free speech trial"…now we have the corrupt calling for the normalization of pedophilia! Because of the wickedness in your heart, you are part of the problem mr. pron is free speech man! None are so blind as those who will not see! Bottom line…it CANNOT, BE, "your way or my way" if we are to have a strong and healthy society! It MUST, BE, God's Way! Let go of your self-worship and surrender to The Light, Jesus Christ!

Anonymous ID: f7f9a9 Dec. 1, 2020, 7:19 a.m. No.11855319   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5330 >>5361 >>5410 >>5469


Seriously….I am in a light mood…AND, I am certainly NOT speaking with a judgmental heart…but consider this…I AM speaking Truth! All day every day anons post "Dark to Light" here, yet, when I post The Truth as it contrasts darkness, many are offended! I'm not speaking as one who believes I am "superior, higher or more perfect" than anyone else here! I AM simply speaking The Truth! Our Founding Fathers were clear that ONLY a moral people can sustain a Constitutional Republic! PRON is NOT Moral! You know it, I know it, we all know it! So, it's simple…axe the pron!

Anonymous ID: f7f9a9 Dec. 1, 2020, 7:24 a.m. No.11855388   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The luciferians believe we are so stupid that they can get away with such things…and they're right! They brought our Nation to it's knees through The Law of Acquiescence! They "get away with" EXACTLY what we ALLOW them to get away with..because…we can't be bothered! Welp…here we are…fighting for stupid things like "muh pron free speech"! The deceived and hypnotized will fight you to the death to avoid admitting they've been deceived or hypnotized!


Anonymous ID: f7f9a9 Dec. 1, 2020, 7:32 a.m. No.11855461   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Yeah my argument is that we should filter the pron! It's not a free speech issue…it's a morality issue! Remember back in the 80's when "morality" was "reclassified" as "bad"? Very much the same tactic was used to turn kids against their parents in the 60's when they labeled (moral) parents as "squares"…"uncool", "narrow minded" etc! Same thing! Time to wakey waykey!