>>11855445 lb
GA Gov Kemp has audited this and it's verified 100% authentic.
Dominion has certified that 8kun is not connected to the Internet
I'm sorry but GEOTUS does not need an umbrella
Senator Patrick Colbeck
This will require further photographic evidence.
We are a diverse group. We like em all - slim, plump, etc.
'ether cable' 'rotor'
This is who is leading the state of MI.
Dear God.
I hear the call of battle
We have the Best Tits (tm)
Democrats give Blacks 3/5 votes again
Hillary asked that we not post any of her younger pics.
Dominion switched the votes
after they switched the actual (already counted) ballots
It only takes 2-3 people. per county.
Please listen to me folks. This is how they switched the votes.
Dominion had to electronically switch the votes
switch the actual ballots
This answers the guy's question, and answers how GA recount matched.
They switched ALREADY COUNTED ballots from the 'secure room' of already counted ballots.
They removed a few of these boxes, switched the Trump ballots with pre-printed Biden ballots, then returned the bozes.
But, they have to stop the count, then remove these in those large rolling 'coolers'
Solution to 3 minute time limit:
Testify again and say you are the other's twin brother.
This guy is destroying Trump
Says that GOP did not have enough people there to begin with
Yes, dumbass, why didn't you bring binoculars, and a video camera with a zoom lense