come at anon, bitch
muh peeps
"Where is the Department of Justice in all this?"
Are these bitches comp'd or just playing devil's advocate?
Fer sure, they're comp'd. That would explain all the Patriots outside, representing out loud.
this seams to be an intimidation tactic by these limp-ass bey-otches.
and that fucking timer sounds like a nuclear attack siren.
Provides sworn testimony of witnessing someone picking up ballots from USPS in post office trays.
Fuck now he's telling people not to clap because "it takes time."
anon has sat through public hearings like this. they are arrogant fucking assholes.
tough shit
it's the people's hearing
it's the people's time
it's the people's fuckng room
it's the people's microphones, cameras, tables and chairs
and those evil cocksuckers are servants of THE PEOPLE.