Just another liar.
Communist China does not own the news media, Jews do.
Communist China doesn't send our soldiers to die in the middle east, Jews do.
Just another liar.
Communist China does not own the news media, Jews do.
Communist China doesn't send our soldiers to die in the middle east, Jews do.
Lin Wood is a lying faggot
It's not China that controls the US gov media and all institutions. It's not China that produces endless anti-white propaganda and race mixing bullshit. It's the Jews.
Fuck Lin Wood and Fuck Trump the Zionist Freemason
Meaning there'll only be Israel and a Handful of Zionists left to run the world.
keep swallowing Zionist propaganda
China is exactly what the fake (Jewish) news wants you to talk about. They want a giant bloodbath and hundreds of millions of dead goyim
You take it up the ass from your Zionist overlords
>everyone who doesn't agree with me is paid not to
Keep worshipping jews, fagget
Barr is a Jewish pedophile. Like his father. Never going to do anything to help goyim.
Unless you're going with the aliens/reptilians/magical European noble families. Every piece of evidence points to the Jews. Every real world piece of evidence points to Jews. The only explanation that doesn't gets really sci-fi