Anonymous ID: 940eaa Dec. 1, 2020, 10:38 a.m. No.11857828   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7861 >>7866 >>7911 >>7920 >>7979 >>8060 >>8128 >>8326 >>8371 >>8483 >>8553

Re the Michigan hearing

Most explosive statement gave at the Michigan hearing on election fraud was by Melissa Carone - a Dominion subcontractor.


IT subcontractor for Dominion Melissa Carone: "Everything that happened at that TCF Center was fraud.

(sp?). She was hired by Dominion as an IT worker….background is in IT and cybersecurity. At the TFC Center the 3rd and 4th.


Hired as a contract worker for PDS [temp agy?] to assist with IT work for Dominion at TFC Center - witnessed fraud. Ballots being run thru multiple times [another witness said they went into an open bin]. There was not one ballot in the 27 hours she was there that was for Donald Trump - "that's scary."


"Ballots counted multiple times…."they were counting ballots 8 to 10 times."


"They were allowed to do whatever they wanted to."


Why did they hire an IT worker? So it would look like they had support with IT. Mentions Samuel & Nick, permanent employees of Dominion.


['''But Nick ain't just 'some guy' - SEE BELOW]


Sam was missing for 3 hours. She asked about this = he said he was at the warehouse. She thinks it's sketchy. Right before they sent Samuel to this warehouse, there was some problem. Says those guys were from Colorado [Denver = US offices of Dominion].


Ballots were still accessible to staff after going thru the scanner (unlike in other states, where the ballots go into a box): "They could scan them 50 times if they wanted to."


Were there tabulators at the Dept of Elections? She's thinking YES.


One of the other employees "Danielle" ( real name - China) was acting weirdly that night - crying, saying "I can't handle being here."


Turns out that NICK is the (part) owner of Dominion - Nick Ikonomakis - came to Detroit, which she thought that was "insane."


[more Q's from committee - discussion about the tabulations being off - cmte trying to minimize? She wasn't having it.]


"Everything that happened at that PCF Center was fraud."



Anonymous ID: 940eaa Dec. 1, 2020, 10:42 a.m. No.11857866   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7911 >>7979 >>8015 >>8060 >>8128 >>8326 >>8483 >>8553


searched on melissa carone cybersecurity and looked what turned up?

Melissa Carone Brief




Plaintiffs just received an Affidavit from Melissa Carone. Ms. Carone was a contractor for Dominion Voting Systems to do IT work at the TCF Center. Ms. Carone was at the TCF Center from 6:15 a.m. on November 3, 2020 to 4:00 a.m. on November 4, 2020. She then went home to get a few hours sleep and worked again at the TCF Center from 10:00 a.m. until 1:45 p.m. on November 4th. Ms. Carone states that she “witnessed nothing but fraudulent actions take place” (Exhibit H). Further, Ms. Carone states:


  1. The counters (which were trained very little or not at all), were handed a "batch" (stack of 50) of mail-in ballots in which they would run through the tabulator. The tabulators would get jammed 4-5 times an hour, when they jammed the computer would put out an error that tells the worker the ballot number that was jammed and gives an option to either discard the batch or continue scanning at which the counter should discard the batch, put the issue ballot on top of the batch and rescan the entire batch. I witnessed countless workers rescanning the batches without discarding them first which resulted in ballots being counted 4-5 times.


  1. At approximately midnight I was called over to assist one of the counters with a paper jam and noticed his PC had a number of over 400 ballots scanned - which means one batch was counted over 8 times. This happened countless times while I was at the TCF Center. I confronted my manager, Nick Ikonornakis saying how big of a problem this was, Nick told me he didn't want to hear that we have a big problem. He told me we are here to do assist with IT work, not to run their election.


  1. The adjudication process, from my understanding there's supposed to be a republican and a democrat judging these ballots. I overheard numerous workers talking during shift change in which over 20 machines had two democrats judging the ballots-resulting in an unfair process.


  1. When a worker had a ballot that they either could not read, or it had something spilled on it, they would go to a table that had blank ballots on it and fill it out. They were supposed to be filling them out exactly like the one they had received '''but this

was not the case at all. The workers would also sign the name of the person that the ballot belonged to - which is clearly illegal.'''


  1. I called the FBI and made a report with them, I was told that I will be getting a call back.


Ms. Carone’s sworn statement provides further evidence that fraud and misconduct occurred at the November 3, 2020 election. Plaintiffs request that their Motion for TRO and Preliminary Injunction be granted.






Remember: Nick Ikonomakis is a part owner of DOMINION


(btw, notice that in the brief, Ikonomakis is misspelled - shades of James Corney!)

Anonymous ID: 940eaa Dec. 1, 2020, 10:54 a.m. No.11858015   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8060 >>8128 >>8262 >>8326 >>8483 >>8553



Entire brief is now ATTACHED.

Looks like this is the beginning, order is strange. A more complete version?


I. My name is Mellissa A. Carone, I was contracted by Dominion Voting Services to do IT work at the TCF Center for the November 3, 2020 election, and I am a resident of Wayne County.


  1. I arrived at the TCF Center at approximately 6: 15 AM November 3, 2020 and worked until 4:00 AM November 4, 2020. I went home to get some sleep, then arrived back at the TCF Center at I 0:00 AM in which I stayed until 1 :45 PM. During this time I witnessed nothing but fraudulent actions take place.


  1. The counters (which were trained very little or not at all), were handed a "batch" (stack of 50) of mail-in ballots in which they would run through the tabulator. The tabulators would get jammed 4-5 times an hour, when they jammed the computer would put out an error that tells the worker the ballot number that was jammed and gives an option to either discard the batch or continue scanning at which the counter should discard the batch, put the issue ballot on top of the batch and rescan the entire batch. I witnessed countless workers rescanning the batches without discarding them first which resulted in ballots being counted 4-5 times.


  1. At approximately midnight I was called over to assist one of the counters with a paper jam and noticed his PC had a number of over 400 ballots scanned- which means one batch was counted over 8 times. This happened countless times while I was at the TCF Center. I confronted my manager, Nick Ikonornakis saying how big of a problem this was, Nick told me he didn't want to

hear that we have a big problem. He told me we are here to do assist with IT work, not to run their election.


  1. The adjudication process, from my understanding there's supposed to be a republican and a democrat judging these ballots. I overheard numerous workers talking during shift change in which over 20 machines had two democrats judging the ballots-resulting in an unfair process.


  1. Next, I want to describe what went on during shift change, it was a chaotic disaster. It took over two hours for workers to arrive at their "assigned areas", over 30 workers were taken upstairs and told they didn't have a job for them to do. These people were chosen to be counters, in which 6 workers admitted to me that they received absolutely no training at all.


  1. The night shift workers were free to come and go as they pleased, they could go out and smoke from the counting room. This is illegal, as there were boxes and stacks of ballots everywhere, anyone could have taken some out or brought some in, and No one was watching them.


  1. There was two vans that pulled into the garage of the counting room, one on day shift and one on night shift. These vans were apparently bringing food into the building because they only had enough food for not even 1/3 of the workers. I never saw any food corning out of these vans, coincidently it was announced on the news that Michigan had discovered over 100,000 more ballots- not even two hours after the last van left.


  1. When a worker had a ballot that they either could not read, or it had something spilled on it, they would go to a table that had blank ballots on it and fill it out. They were supposed to be filling them out exactly like the one they had received but this was not the case at all. The workers would also sign the name of the person that the ballot belonged to-which is clearly illegal.


IO. Samuel Challandes and one more young man in his mid-20 were responsible for submitting the numbers into the main computer. They had absolutely no overhead, my manager Nick would assist them with any questions but Nick was on the floor assisting with IT most of the time.


11 . There was a time I overheard Samuel talking to Nick about losing tons of data, they all got on their phones and stepped to the side of the stage. I asked Nick what was going one and he told me it was all taken care of and not to worry about it. I fully believe that this was something very crucial that they just covered up.


  1. I was the only republican working for Dominion Voting, and on the stage there was many terrible comments being made by the city workers and Dominion workers about republicans. I did not give out any indication that I was a republican, I have a family at home and knew I was going to have to walk to my car at the end of my shift. If anyone had an American flag on their shirt or mask, they were automatically deemed to be Trump supporters.


13 . I called the FBI and made a report with them, I was told that I will be getting a call back.


  1. I am doing my best to make sure something is done about this, I was there and I seen all of this

take place.

Anonymous ID: 940eaa Dec. 1, 2020, 10:58 a.m. No.11858060   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8078


please add the last page to existing notable:

also, can you please mention Mellissa Carone's name to the description, because it's is ALL all her statement? Tx.


>>11857828 , >>11857866 (You) Everything that happened at that PCF Center was fraud. Call to DIG




>>11857828, >>11857866, >>11858015 Dominion Worker Mellissa Carone: Everything that happened at that PCF Center was fraud. Call to DIG

Anonymous ID: 940eaa Dec. 1, 2020, 11:22 a.m. No.11858371   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8410 >>8483 >>8553


Part-owner of Dominion who was present at the TCF Center in Detroit during the election.



Nick Iconomakis Patents


2018: System, method and computer program for vote tabulation with an electronic audit trail


2018: Appending audit mark image


2017: Marginal marks with pixel count


2014: Ballot adjudication in voting systems utilizing ballot images


2014: Ballot level security features for optical scan voting machine capable of ballot image processing, secure ballot printing, and ballot layout authentication and verification


2014: Systems for configuring voting machines, docking device for voting machines, warehouse support and asset tracking of voting machines


2014: Ballot image processing system and method for voting machines


2014: Systems and methods for transactional ballot processing, and ballot auditing




2012: Marginal Marks with Pixel Count


2012: Appending Audit Mark Image




2012: System, method and computer program for vote tabulation with an electronic audit trail