Pattern Recognition Anon Declares War on China
Alright anons, I have decided to make a majority of my focus now on China. I will do other topics from time to time, but I want to put a bunch of shit out there in the hopes that some of you are as hopelessly autistic as me so we can multiply our approach.
China will have underground military bases in areas with huge granite deposits. Also anywhere they are doing mining, but not strip mining. What are the nearest power plants to these areas? Choke points with hi-line power? They will not have their own underground nuke power plants because as retarded as they are, even they know how accident prone they are.
Where are China's SMALL airports. Municipal ones. Near their borders. This is where a lot of their trafficking takes place. Less eyes. Which ones have the longest air strips OR extensive helicopter infrastructure.
Are there areas in China that are so "polluted" that the area is "off limits?" Is that the real reason the area is "off limits?" Pollution there could be fake and the area could be actively used for something…
Where are the deepest parts of the ocean nearest to China, and/or ice sheets? This will be where their super computers are. Power plants near them? Electronic choke points?
FUCK CHINA. GLOVES OFF. China loses in a hot war, so their enemy is EXPOSURE.