>Fat Fuck Barr broke the law by hiring inside the gov
Durham has not done shit, probably wasn't even technically employed since shitting out a big zero, so I think it's ok. Sad Kek.
>Fat Fuck Barr broke the law by hiring inside the gov
Durham has not done shit, probably wasn't even technically employed since shitting out a big zero, so I think it's ok. Sad Kek.
>Stretchen Gretchen
Damn I pity the fool who gets reverse cowboy from that. Imagine the crush.
>Fat Fuck Barr is a long term derp state bitch
Looks like someone needs a rendition flight to gitmo. Oh how I would love it if Fat Fuck gets interrogated and no longer has the fingers to play the pipes. You know, legally interrogated of course.
>Durham legal
Cool. Now the doj can cover up more deep state crimes and President Orange Man can just sit there and do nothing since it would be impeding an investigation.
And please don't say Orange Man can fire a special prosecutor, since he didn't before.
Sorry. Barr is a Fat Fuck. No panic unless Fat Fuck goss to gitmo with , apparently , most of our legislature and judiciary.
>Fat Fuck Barr Has no jurisdiction
Apparently the doj has no jurisdiction over voter fraud, sex trafficking, corporate espionage, commerce restrictions, spying, drug trafficking, murder, big tech restraint of tradeโฆ
Soon Anon right?