ANON's just about flew over this Anon
that things would be like flying an entire building
Dog looks better
Audible keking all by my ones'ies in muh room
when you try to picture an entire person as just a spec in the windshield, you can see how incredibly massive that thing really is.
>Possible he is wearing an ankle-monitor
Beyond possible
It's possible he's faking his dimentia
It's incontestable he's wearing an ankle bracelet
WE THE PEOPLE - is the keystone.
"What holds everything together?"
"You have more than you know."
"You have the keystone."
Because YOU are the KEYSTONE!
Maybe you can break The Gretch of her cold heart for Christmas, Anon
Harambe Tribe!
Junior Dos Santos?
So on top of things they guide and subvert key information. Well organized repetition. Psyop 101 shit.
We see you
UTC GMT 7 hours ahead of US Pacific
You have no idea what you are talking about. You are an infiltrator and a traitor to the United States of America. We see you clearly.
So go ahead and fuck off.