Or….OR….he is DEEP STATE and he has Durham, deep diving into it to cover up the loose ends so someone else doesn't come searching and find anything….DURHAM – THE CLEANUP MAN!!!
Or….OR….he is DEEP STATE and he has Durham, deep diving into it to cover up the loose ends so someone else doesn't come searching and find anything….DURHAM – THE CLEANUP MAN!!!
Thank you….you idiot….FAGGOT is a honorable name here…now off you go to suck mommy's dick!!!
Didn't Trump say something about cheating at the elections..don't cheat we have every base covered or something like that???
sure, because after this the democrats will OWN all the elections and they will flaunt it in your face on whether they cheated or not and they you can't do a damn thing about it…they will shit on the Constitution and burn up the American Flag..count on it…and Trump had the chance……..MUFFED IT!!!
Fire Barr.. bring on Rudy to run the A.G….Gen Flynn to run the FBI and Grenell to run the CIA…