Anonymous ID: 085ca5 April 25, 2018, 4:09 p.m. No.1186504   🗄️.is 🔗kun





Things are making a lot more sense, Q. The patterns are too regular and predictable.


The following case is Five Eyes in action, isn’t it?


(part one)


Daryush Valizadeh, known as ‘Roosh V’, was originally a PUA, (‘pick-up artist’) with an online presence, whose work gradually-morphed into challenging the Luciferian Narrative through what he described as ‘Neomasculinity’: a reversion to Traditional Gender Roles. So: Self-improvement for men, discipline, hard work, and, eventually, creating tribal bonds with other like-minded men in the real world to combat the targeted breakdown of male friendships and support systems by the media and entertainment complex.


In mid-2015, he gave a speaking tour on ‘The State of Man’, and there was odd level of pushback from certain countries given his lack of ‘reach’. Whilst the Commentariat in the US have always despised him for mocking their narratives publicly, suddenly there seemed to be a more concerted effort to mock him and his ideas across multiple countries simultaneously.


Then, he went to Canada in August 2015, and the Government Structures got involved with trying to stop him talking to an audience of what was guaranteed to be under 200 men: cue media thinkpieces, concerned talking heads, celebrity mocking, outraged leftist activists and government figures speaking out against him publicly, talking about ‘banning’ his speech – which, released later, was wasn’t any kind of violent call to arms, just a recognition of the societal structures currently-working against men.


The powers that be tried to stop the speech, but Roosh outwitted them and gave it to those who’d bought tickets regardless, then openly-mocked the Canadian Government after the fact for their impotence.


He’d challenged the Narrative, and won, and a serious reprisal was obviously-planned.


In February 2016, he organised a series of meetups worldwide for his readers, and then all hell broke lose, what he considers the ‘Worldwide Meetup Drama’, but, looking more carefully at the reaction, it wasn’t worldwide at all.


He’d previously-written a Satirical Article in the Style of Swift’s ‘A Modest Proposal’ challenging the currently-being-programmed narrative that drunken women are not responsible for their actions and behaviour when it comes to sexual choices, and that all drunken sex is therefore on the man, and therefore rape.


Everyone was obviously-given their seeded 4am talking points: the lie being sold was that his article was serious, and the same keywords are seen in all media. He was “Pro-rape”, and the meetups were being organised to create “Rape Gangs” to prowl cities to target women.


Like Russigate, it was the crafted creation of delusional hysteria, and one of the most ridiculous, coordinated attempts to spin the narrative I’ve ever seen.


Once again, the effort was to demonise and expel from polite society anyone who challenges the narrative… (continued)

Anonymous ID: 085ca5 April 25, 2018, 4:09 p.m. No.1186516   🗄️.is 🔗kun


(part two)


  • Journalists write articles to disseminate the same talking points across multiple outlets, and threatening to ‘out’ anyone involved in the meetups.


  • ‘Concerned’ TV Reporters and panel discussions amongst talking heads along ‘something must be done’ lines;


  • Oddly, government discussion at the highest level happens. One of the previous talking points about Canada in 2015 was speculating on it possible for Canadian Border Guards to stop Roosh from entering. Now, simultaneously in Feb 2016, Roosh is banned by May in the England in secret, completely banned entry in Australia, and the New Zealand Government starts discusses banning him entry, despite the minute audience he’d have down there. A key talking point is one of morality (meaning, allegiance to progressive morality). Note also, UK radical feminist politican Mary Honeyball attempts to use her influence to extend this ban to the entire EU;


  • Celebrities in various countries (Reggie Yates, Jermaine Clement) providing mockery and modelling desired beliefs through tweets and media;


  • The simultaneous ‘spontaneous’ creation of grassroots online petitions with the goal of banning him from entry into countries;


  • grassroots feminist activism organising public retaliation;


  • coincidentally, during the same period, his own forums are infiltrated with an influx of new members practicing the kind of disruption and division tactics we see on the Chans.


Oddly, in very Far Left countries, like Sweden, where there should be this kind of outrage, it doesn’t happen, other than the odd random Feminist snarkticle or petition. Note these petitions have much lessened response than in the countries where the Cultivated Outrage is happening.


All of this gives me great pause. All of this fuss for one random dissenter with a small reach?


When you really stop to look at it, the outrage, right up to the government level, is only happening in five countries: Canada, The US, The UK, New Zealand and Australia. These governments are all anti-male, with radical feminist and LGBT activist ideas dictating public policy, and, particularly, influencing the childhood development cycle.


This is how Five Eyes co-ordinate to punish anyone who challenges their narrative, isn’t it? Co-ordinate and programme the populace into accepting one particular belief. Any opposition to the narrative, no matter how small, must be extinguished, right? It's surreal. Up is down. Left is right.


This is exactly what they did to Trump. Note the Australian Government’s involvement in the ‘Russiagate’ narrative.


This will be what they will attempt to do to Kayne West.


Would there be any way to confirm this with a FOIA request?


I suspect there’s an unspoken sixth eye, isn’t there? One that also shares the intelligence of these five countries…