Post has stayed up for 3 hours? Seems strange.
Why doesn't someone in his circle text him or call him and say DUDE FIX THAT SHIT.
Post has stayed up for 3 hours? Seems strange.
Why doesn't someone in his circle text him or call him and say DUDE FIX THAT SHIT.
Considering it's been up for 3-4 hours, it must be comms. He's got enough people watching him to not fix that shit quick.
>Also how the fuck is this frail old man goose stepping with a boot on a day after fracturing his foot??
Been too busy laughing to ask the obvious. This is not normal. Cameraman right there to catch it perfectly? C'mon man!
I wanted to see what happens.
He keeps bringing up L. Ron Hubbard and directing it at me.
Fuck that dude.