on a free speech board we post and say what we want to and people like you get no respect because you are a bully.
you can read it, right?
then close it.
wow you're strange.
You're not going to use it as wall paper.
learn to play a different role.
being the victim of vicious green seems a bad role for you.
you're again wrong, as always, about everyone you reveiw here, it's the same thing over and over.
you make up lies and then they tag them on someone and even though it's all lies you persist in it.
It's a trite display.
manup, growup and pester someone else, anon.
well, if you need a flashlight later, after you crash your car because you should be driving and not looking at your cell phoner, you can use my image cause it's so bright on your phone you'll find your way home and you can say 'gee, that bright green, that he chose to counter the orange blood effect of the shill images, that's letting me survive in the dark and see my way in from the cold, and home from the storm.
I got you home after you crashe from not paying attention. It's not me that made you crash.
you were telling a story about being in your car looking at the image and then I just took it to a logical conclusion but I did get you home from the storm at the end of it.
you have no sense of story, anon, or respect for the trouble of those who get into mischeif due to their need to grow up and not obsess over small matters.
if you were blinded how could be using your device to message back.
so all you say is concocted and playful and you keep saying 'oh how mean ' and other made up stuff.
to make me your villain but I am never a villain and always write the story where even idiots fall in love, get smart, do better, make it home, are safe at the end of it, even if they are shills in hell.
only Pig is Pig. you can't fake Mr. Pig.