Q is one of them.
Trump had sex with thousands of woman. Melania stoped that. Melania is president.
Thats why you don't fuck around.
Suppers Ready.
So hot.
The US government is garbage.
Suppers Ready.
Q is for Queer.
Q never loved Jesus Q loves anal sex and hates Trump.
Q is the enemy Q is garbage.
Ron exposed Q.
Q is Satan.
Fuck off asshole.
Even a broken clock is right twice a day.
Q is Satan,
Melania controls Trump.
Trump is a moron.
Q is Satan.
Everyone laughs at you.
Q is Satan.
Fuck off.
Deep state dads are yucky.
Q isn't real Q is Trump fucking with your head.
Their is no government all is lost.
In the book of revelations America doesn't exist.
Only Russia China and Israel. Israel wins.
In the book of revelations America doesn't exist.
Only Russia and China and Israel.
Israel wins.
In the book of revelations America doesn't exist.
Only Russia and China and Israel.
Israel wins.
Christianity is fake God loves the Jews.
Q is Satan.
Q is Satan.
Q is a fagot that lives in Manhattan Beach.
Q isn't just gay she's super gay.
Q is super gay.
There is no one more gay than Q.
Melania hates Trump .
Melania hates Trump .>>11868873
Trump is a gargoyle.
Q hates Jesus Melania hates Q.
Trump never read the Bible because he's retarded.
Trump is having sex with, Q . Melania hates Trump and Q,.
Melania is the first female president.
Q is retarded.
Trump has no idea who Gos is because he worships money.
Q is Satan.
Bring it fag.
Q is gay.
Gay kills.
Trump has no idea who Jesus is.
Trump never read the Bible.
Trump is the first president thats a moron.