Fuck Democrats
Oooking for nub, in awl da Wong paces
Sure does…..they take all yer money too….just ask Cat Stevens
Ya know
STFU about the banner……your a fucking child that needs an ass whooping
What a fucking BS slide……muh banner
Get a job
Aint ya glad you make all dat money as a healthcare worker
Kek……your first to get mark of the beast
Been a bad year to be rich
[[They]] are killing off their own
Dog eat dog
What Army gonna do when they don’t get paid anymore?
Told y’all
Boycott UPS
It’s a government company that records all the stuff you get…..always did
UPS is a homo company
Government run company
Was started by a Senator
Why the “rich” are culling the bourgeois
Old money killing new money
Wouldn’t want a fat bank account these days, marks you for death
She ain’t bright enough to come up with that response
What a ghetto…..so long Detroit, yer cars sucked