barr has complete declas power when it comes to russiagate. now that durham is SC he has a direct line to give everything to barr. which means the investigations are done, and are ready for declas, indictments, and arrests. just because you dont understand whats happening, doesnt means its not happening.
no because its not the role of the government to determine what is best for me.
my clip would be empty before they got close enough to hold a gun to my head.
>SCs have worked a charm over the years, haven't they??
this isnt the obama admin anon. durham conducted the investigation independently as US attorney for CT. free of DOJ interference from DC. thats how investigations are supposed to be conducted by attorneys. after building the case and establishing cause for legal action, barr provided the avenue for the DOJ to take over the investigation. barr now runs durhams investigation, just like RR ran the meuller investigation. which means he decides what to declas, who to indict, who to arrest, and when, free from interference from the white house.
thats always been the plan, and its being executed perfectly. it isnt hard to see. all you have to do is choose to look. anons know.
kek. all for a larp.
iirc the alignment will be visible in the SE sky around sunset. orion is also in this part of the sky in the northern hemisphere at this time of year. hoping for clear skies on the 21st to see how it all lines up.
an even moar suspicious man would wonder why brad baby stepped it to the very edge of his property, then purposefully placed one foot on the road, leaving his property, prompting the police to go full stazi on him the second he was off of his private property. then after being arrested for accusations of domestic abuse, being deemed a threat to himself or others, and being accused of campaign finance crimes, goes on fox news to bad talk POTUS and his campaign in the middle of a fight for the preservation of the republic.