Coming soon to the US
Coming soon to the US
Sorcha faal's naratives are often colorful, but they still find interesting things more often than not.
Things like this:
75% of the $454 Billion CARES Act Money Never Went to the Fed; It Was Invested by a Mnuchin Slush Fund Called the ESF
If you refused to read atlas shrugged based on the media's portrayal of Any Rand's epic attack on communism they succeeded in brainwashing you. Congratulations on your integration.
You should have a stock broker that's got access to a bloomberg terminal run an audit on your birth certificate, then. They're running your ass through probate and you don't even know it. You could be sitting on a couple billion dollars you didn't know you ever had, and all you gotta do is claim it.
Smart man. What people don't realize is that trump's executive order on human traffickers losing all their assets means the fed is done. The DTCC is their bitch they run everyone's unclaimed estates through, and a res of your estate is your body. Yeah, everyone in the US is being trafficked.
That's the real reason they want trump out, and is the "restructuring" of the fed Q has hinted about. That's also why they have to save israel for "last".
Oh, not all jews. Just the fake ones, The Khazarian mob, specifically. They're still a little pissed off at the czar of russia forcing them to convert or be destroyed.
What people fail to miss about the khazarian mob, racially, the ashkeNAZI, is that they aren't ethnic jews, they're mongols. The "holocaust" wasn't really about exterminating jews, it was about exterminating anyone else that had a legitimate claim through the original 12 tribes to israel. We've been in a centuries old blood feud and nobody really knows about it.