Itd be war…. After we bomb and plunder them… Maybe we'll fuck with china… Wouldnt it be magical if we the people declaered war with anyone who has fucked with the USA… I do.. And I as a citizen want trump to pop this off.. Fuck china stealing and releasing covid.. Fuck our cia and the rigged election.. And fuck Iran and all death to America counts.. I say we start fuckin fighting.. Our grand fathers are looking down at us like a bunch of pussys.. We won the world war twice and bow down like this.. Fuck that… I declair war
Let other countrys do shit to our nation and we dont do shit bc of covid.. Or everyone is toooo busy with personal life's.. What a joke… I guess im alone in my thought… Fuck the system waitimg for it to work.. Its broken… Its time patriots.. If there any left
We will forever be know as the generation who let the greatest country ever go.. Because they are to blind to stand and demand change… U bettter bet trump saves ur ass.. Bc this shit is getting bad… If trump dont save u then what??? Get butt fucked by Biden?? Too late… Stand up now… We collectively will make a insurance policy for America.. Trump or no trump.. With or with out you.. other contrys came togeather to beat the USA… There doimg it with out even a war… Its fuckin war
I hope so.. Bc im starting to think theyll just stamd in a food line… Incapible of doing anything on there own or as a group… They only follow
Witts??? Thats the gayest pussyest thing ive ever heard….. Its time to rise
Or stand up…… Were done asking.. Its the USA… We the people demand IT…. Its courrupt we now are takimg over our government.. Dec 2 2020… We the people.. No the doj.. Not the military.. Not trumps next tweet.. We the people demand our counrty back now… And war with every any counrty that says anything about that