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Where was the monolith in Utah?
On November 18, 2020 a 9' 7" stainless steel object was discovered in a remote canyon in south-east Utah, by a team from the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources (assisted by a Department of Public Safety helicopter pilot) that was on a mission countingbighorn sheep.
Where is the monolith in Romania?
The metal structure discovered in Romania is four-metres tall and covered in looping markings. It was found near thePetrodava Dacian Fortress, a local archaeological landmark.
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>Where was the monolith in Utah?
>On November 18, 2020 a 9' 7" stainless steel object was discovered in a remote canyon in south-east Utah, by a team from the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources (assisted by a Department of Public Safety helicopter pilot) that was on a mission countingbighorn sheep.
Keyword from Utah MonolithBighorn Sheep;
Bighorn Sheep (Ovis canadensis)
Also know as Rocky Mountain Bighorn Sheep
Species Code: OVCA
What they look like:
Bighorn Sheep are large mammals that are relatives of goats. They have short brown fur, a white muzzle and rump patch. They have split hooves which aid in balance and rough hoof bottoms for natural grip. Their sure footing help them move easily around rugged mountain terrain.
The male Bighorn sheep is called a ram and can be recognized by his massive brown horns. The horns curl back over the ears, down, and up past the cheeks. By the time a ram reaches 7 or 8 years of age, he can have a set of horns with a full curl.
Ewes, the females, are smaller than the rams and have shorter, smaller horns that never exceed half a curl.
Weight: avg. 90 kg or 198 lbs.
Length with tail: 150 to 180 cm (59 to 71 in)
Where they live:
Rocky Mountain bighorns inhabit the mountains from Canada south to New Mexico. Bighorn inhabit alpine meadows, grassy mountain slopes and foothill country near rugged, rocky cliffs and bluffs.
Bighorn sheep are found in central and eastern Washington.
Click the range map to learn more about the distribution of Bighorn Sheep in Washington.
What they eat: Bighorn Sheep are herbivores. They primarily graze on grasses, sedges and forbs.
Behavior: Bighorn sheep are gregarious animals, forming herds of over 100 individuals. Small groups of 8-10 are more common. Mature males usually live apart from females and young during most of the year.
Bighorn have excellent eyesight, which helps them in jumping and gaining narrow mountain footholds.
In the spring, lambs are born up on high ledges protected from predators such as coyotes, wolves, and cougars. They lambs are vulnerable to the golden eagles which target lambs. Mothers nurse the young for four to six months.
Did you know?
-Females are called "ewes" and males are called "rams"
-Horn size is a symbol of rank. Male horns can weigh as much as 30 lbs.
-Bighorns are known for head-to-head combat between males.
-They can live up to 15 years in the wild
-A group of bighorns is called a Herd
>Where is the monolith in Romania?
>The metal structure discovered in Romania is four-metres tall and covered in looping markings. It was found near thePetrodavaDacian Fortress, a local archaeological landmark.
Keyword from Romania MonolithPetrodava;
Petrodava is a genus of moths in the family Geometridae.
The geometer moths are moths belonging to the family Geometridae of the insect order Lepidoptera, the moths and butterflies. Their scientific name derives from the Ancient Greek geo γῆ or γαῖα "the earth", and metron μέτρων "measure" in reference to the way their larvae, or "inchworms", appear to "measure the earth" as they move along in a looping fashion. A very large family, it has around 23,000 species of moths described, and over 1400 species from six subfamilies indigenous to North America alone. A well-known member is the peppered moth, Biston betularia, which has been subject of numerous studies in population genetics. Several other geometer moths are notorious pests.