Q said something about them not being able to walk down the street. If we're not yet at that point, at this rate it seems we'll be there soon.
Listening to this hearing, I am about to give up hope.
Muh virus this, muh pandemic that, muh people suffering, muh economic fallout, my thank you all for your service, muh light at the end of the tunnel VIA VACCINES……
It's all so fucking stupid. All these people who should know, and probably do know, that the virus is a fucking SCAM to get everyone on the reset tit – as long as these assholes continue to solemnly perpetuate the delusion, I can't see any way we are not fucked and flushed down down a technocratic memory hole. HOW I LOATHE THESE FUCKING TRAITORS, THESE LYING SCHEMING SCAMMING STUFFED MILQUETOAST SUITS THAT DON'T GIVE TWO SHITS ABOUT ANYTHING OR ANYONE THAT DOESN'T FATTEN THEIR BOTTOM LINE.
Did I put that delicately enough?
If I wrote "FUCK ALL OF YOU" in 10-point text in a string long enough to sail around the moon and back, it would not be long enough to hang all the mingy motherfuckers that need hanging.
God-tier trolling. Magnificent.
Thanks for the kind words, fren. I am also an oldfag, worn and weathered. I was in New York City on 9-11, less than a km from ground zero. I understand your wisdom and perspective.
Just sometimes I still get enraged. Especially when I remember what I went through that traumatic day, and knowing that these motherfuckers all know the truth. How they traffic in lies to the detriment of innocent people. I want their heads on fucking pikes for what they are complicit in, what they have done.