'put some mota in our love life…"
–La Bamba
masks = kommie kuks
All D5 drops takes on a new meaning
Huber Dec 5
Trust Barr
whipsaw action packed politicking
FLAGS OUT (gin gin - whar are you?)++5 AMERICAN SOLDIERS - DEAD right before Christmas and traitorous ds is culpapble
syliva santana - witchy woman
moves when she hears the "size of your WALLET"
chYna has easy pickins with some low hanging fruit - swinging niggers
when you butt fuck yo self so much
you give yo self "PANDA EYES"
that's one glutinous zombie
rumsfeld - terrorist torturer and all around evil crothcsskid tyrant
kuk news hoes outbreaming turdluver numbered sex obsessed khunt strip chaining lesbians
GA Secretary of STate and family lining up for a well deserved fully paid taxpayer funded junket to theGALLOWS - POLE
Grace from RSBN interviewing the local Sheriff - NC .. live