Tanks Anons
>Her cellphone is online. We talked about it a few breads ago
Apparently "glownigger" and "herr derrr" are alien to you.
>New Lawsuit Seeks to Decertify Georgia Election Results
You know the morre I see the more I believe team is meerly providing the attention and research for OTHERS to sue to stop the fraud.
PA case is PA legislature candidate.
GA is Lin Wood and Boland.
Trump doesn't want HIS team to flip this in court. He wants these others to do it. That way he can't be accused of stealing the election.
>Would love for you to mouth me face to face…
Love the internet tough guy shit. Nothing but lulz on my end.
The level of Derp if off the scale
Could you talentless photo larping idots take this to plebbit.
>Elliot Page is munching on Gina Haspel's sardine garden as we speak.
Sharing with the roaches, or did it fumigate first.
>Say hi to all the crickets for us over on Tommy's board.
>That should take you a long time.
It's sad that you don't understand the cricket insult, and how lame your response to it is.
Couldn't help it