That triangle is very, very good, though some info on the "top" levels really does not have to be as high.
This is Q's old trip, #Matlock
Failsafes is what they have left.
That is why we have no mass arrests, financial reset, advanced technologies, ET contact etc. yet
The President of the United States is now retweeting about dragon energy, brotherhood, love, unity and respect of another sovereign being.
We are so tangibly close to the Great Awakening, what is unfolding is simply unreal. The entire world is being born again with every passing moment.
Checked. It is happening indeed.
Excerpt from an interview with COBRA that was taken down by yoot00bz due to extremely high Truth content.
40k on Kanye for those interested.
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Are you memeing or not? Are (You) the voice of the public? This is our part to play!
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