Not sure what the big news announcement was at the Sidney Powell and Lin Wood presser it just felt like a stop the steal rally, unless I missed something?
I hate to ask because like many anons I’m used to them (DS) getting away with crap. But is Lin Wood just hyping up the crowd and saying that or can we actually celebrate that POTUS won?
Are we sure he’s not bsing? can we get sauce on that exact quote?
I want to celebrate anon, however I am a superstitious anon. I want oan etc to say “we can now project President Trump wins re election in what many can only describe as a miracle from God.”
What’s a good textbook specifically on American History (the pilgrims, 1776, to present) to redpill someone that they (DS) haven’t changed?
I do believe God hears us. However I cannot speak for the Almighty. My belief though is he is on the side of good.
Can we change todays date to December 2nd, 1776 2.0?
They also wouldn’t believe it IF MSM suddenly said “Breaking News: We’re getting arrested.”
So IF they (DS) released multiple strains of c19 how do we know which ones we’re immune to? Since the tests are inaccurate?