66.6% anon.
if they're Catholic, they're not pagan by definition.
(saving western civilization ain't easy).>>11878138
66.6% anon.
if they're Catholic, they're not pagan by definition.
(saving western civilization ain't easy).>>11878138
>classic ate muh applesauce
underestimate this, bitch
I quit porn. But time machines are cool, I suppose.
or ebonics but probably mandarin
I have to ask the obvious. It is really a male that was raised as a female?
Think about where they get most of their talent, and then realize that the line between "consenting adults" and "children raised into it" has been obliterated. Then throw up. Then feel really bad. Then move on, and improve yourself.
yeah? he's doing a marvelous job of triggering the snowflakes in the room.
and the shills herein.
> breast cancer and
Hormones. It's all hormones. That's diet. Underarm deodorant contributes to Alzheimer's, but you have to have the genetic markers.
shills all over that panel
>learly she had every intention of doxxing the witness to her cronies..comms imo.
this might even benotable