>then we ate unicorn guy
>at mandalay bay
>with the whole cia
we were riding
two old peckerwoods
in the oval
for screen door costumes tropes
and krispy kremes
>then we ate unicorn guy
>at mandalay bay
>with the whole cia
we were riding
two old peckerwoods
in the oval
for screen door costumes tropes
and krispy kremes
>we were riding
>two old peckerwoods
>in the oval
there was oooey goooey creamy jewish bullshit flying everywhere
and berliners
are we there yet?
oh gosh
and simoists
you're warm and getting close
barrators are full of israeli bullshit
scientology are si·mo·ny. (sī′mə-nē, sĭm′ə-) The buying or selling of ecclesiastical offices or of indulgences or other spiritual things. [Middle English simonie, from Old French, from Late Latin simōnia, after Simon Magus, a sorcerer who tried to buy spiritual powers from the Apostle Peter (Acts 8:9-24).] si′mo·nist n.