Gen. Flynn also was a Dem. Probably is no longer a Dem. But I have no problem with Lin Wood who may have changed parties for all we know and if he didn't he obviously is now fighting for the white hats.
He may be a white hat Dem. We certainly have plenty of black had Repub's.
It's good vs. bad, not R vs D.
Reason why this is being brought up again?
I did not know that about him. Yes, he is a strong Trump supporter.
Why is this being rehashed again. Something new that we didn't know before? I'm not seeing it. FOX crew was corrupt as hell that night.
Of course they knew. It was an imperative, I'm certain, in the creation of this vaccine. Like others.
Ridiculous response shows you are part of the clown team.
I don't have a reply. I was the one who called out the baker for notabling a fucking meme. And then I called you out for your ridiculous response to the other anon. There was nothing for me to reply to.