They simply can't hide this much fraud. It's impossible. No matter what, the American people will not permit Joe Biden to become a fake president. No matter what the electoral college does. No matter what corrupt courts decree. We pray that the courts, the electoral college, Congress and the Senate all do the right and only just thing. But neither Joe nor Kamala will ever be president. President Trump won this election, and the majority of Americans will come to understand that, if they don't already.
The Lord is leading us all.
Trust the plan.
Just as Cernovich advised in his periscope [comms], the cabal is increasingly attacking the evidence itself rather than saying "there is no evidence" (Barr notwithstanding).
Their favorite seems to be a specious and unsubstantiated claim that "the poll results are not off by the hundreds of thousands of ballots that the witness claims would suggest." But the comped gov reps don't actually say how they're confirming that the poll results are accurate. Until they do provide an explanation, it's difficult to dispute to their face, other than with more evidence of massive fraud. It's a typical MSM cabal tactic: repeat a lie over and over again until the people begin to repeat the lie too.
Hey Barr, didn't POTUS say that we only need 9000 votes in AZ to win? Here POTUS points out that there are an estimated 90,000 votes that are illegal votes. This is evidence that could change the results of the election as reported by the lying MSM.