FOX news Brett Baier on election night
"We call the VA for Joe Biden , even though President Trump as more votes then Biden. This is because FOX analytics determined the Biden will be the winner even thought Trump's more Votes then Biden "
Bretts own words. With POTUS up 4% and more votes and FOX gave the twitter blue chec kmark to biden.
powell woods +++ CODE monkey
why is Fox Aanlytics called the VA early like AZ ?
Go look at the videoyourself. Bretts own words FOX analytics called the race even though President Trump has more votes. Brett even questioned himself on live national TV.
Q Q+ did you see this on election night. The people demand to know why Fox analytics called the VA race early. Where arethey gettingtheir numbers Germany or dominion.
What is fox analytics ? Why did brett say race called even though Trump has more votes then biden his own words