yet you are the one who implies insults without saying them overtly. ignorant and a coward. oh, i guess you consider passive-aggressive insults a form of politeness.
and all the while you conveniently side-step any challenges to produce support for your position. where in the bible does it explicitly say life begins at fertilization? we're waiting.
it doesn't. YOU made that up based on your incomplete and quasi literate understanding of biological science. see, you LIKE science when it give you a basis for your prejudice. but you IGNORE science when it contradicts your auto-religious dogma.
if you had never heard of DNA, you would never have come up with the cockamamie idea that life begins at fertilization.
but you conveniently ignore that God sends 90% of fertilized eggs down the toilet.
you think if it has a DNA molecule, it must have a soul. every cell in your body has YOUR DNA molecule. when you cut yourself and bleed, are you murdering all the blood cells? do you worry about their souls? you think a heartbeat make a fetus a human being? even tho that fetus does NOT yet have a brain? a snail has a heart beat. is it a human? do you EVER question your beliefs, rationally?
BTW, the difference between irrational and arational is the difference between FAULTY logic, and NO logic at all. faulty logic can be corrected. there is no reasoning with a brick.