Jenna letting Michigan know when the election is overturned it is the legislature's fault
Leave White Guys Alone!!!
kek. 17
logic. most elections the last 20 years have been fixed.
No one is even mentioning how Primaries are rigged.
Shiva said alot since September 2020
when he says that he needs to show the people he is speaking to this picture
i will be ArizoNOT be watching the tv news
He was commenting election fraud is a civil matter. DOJ is Federal and they no been asked to investigate.
He is busy with the SWAMP.
colleagues. That is not a good look for the SWAMP.
You think all the tin foil companies want a list of all anons?
no. The interviewer asked him about election fraud. He told them my reply.
Stealing the Federal election starts as Civil because it is run by each state.
The DOJ is decimating the SWAMP with the Durham investigation.
there was one. Some faggot named moot stole it and renamed it 4chan.
he is a cocksuckertarian.