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Aurora, Colorado, creates 10-year Immigrant Integration Plan to build on its successes with diverse communitiesAURORA, Colo., Dec. 2, 2020 /PRNewswire/ – Building on its successful work to develop opportunities for immigrants and refugees and expand the city’s international presence, the city of Aurora has unveiled a 10-year Immigrant Integration Plan, “Aurora is open to the world.”
As Colorado’s third-largest city and one of the most diverse large cities in the United States, Aurora created one of the nation’s first municipal strategic plans for immigrant integration in 2015 and remains the only Colorado city with a comprehensive strategic plan for immigrant integration. Aurora is updating that plan for the decade ahead based on what the city has learned so far and what residents and stakeholder groups have cited as priorities. The effort is led by the city’s Office of International and Immigrant Affairs.
One in five Aurora residents was born outside the U.S., and we believe that the success of our residents, and therefore the success of our city, depends on how well we can work together,” said Ricardo Gambetta, head of Aurora’s Office of International and Immigrant Affairs. “Moving forward, our plan for 2020 to 2030 focuses on goals that capture community needs, with specific ideas for implementation.”
Among the 12 goal areas for 2020 to 2030 are entrepreneurism, affordable housing, job skills and certification, English language learning, language accessibility, public safety relationships, immigrant leadership, healthy lifestyles, citizenship pathways, and cultural inclusion. These goals build on the areas of focus in the 2015 strategic plan.
Some of the successes seen under the city’s first strategic plan on immigrant integration include:
Development of the award-winning Natural Helpers Program, which has trained more than 150 immigrants from 25 countries to be leaders in their communities and liaisons with local resources.
Formation of Aurora’s Immigrant and Refugee Commission, a group of residents to advise City Council on immigrant issues.
Expansion of English and citizenship classes with local partner agencies.
Creation of small-business grants and loans for immigrant entrepreneurs, resulting in the creation of 143 jobs.
Sponsorship of international trips and hosting of international delegations to promote business, cultural and political exchanges, resulting in the opening of a Salvadoran Consulate, the first consular office in Colorado outside of Denver.
Growth of health, cultural, arts and sports programs to build community cohesiveness, including Global Fest, Aurora’s flagship event for celebrating diversity, attracting 10,000 people a year.
The partnerships we have created, the trust we have built, the ideas we have sparked – all of this requires our continued support and nurturing so we can be a city that helps all our residents dream big and achieve even more,” said Aurora Mayor Mike Coffman. “This updated strategic plan for the next 10 yearssets the groundwork for how we will be an international business and cultural destination, a welcoming melting potof people and experiences, and a city of opportunity for residents of all backgrounds.”
To view the full plan, go to AuroraGov.org/2020ImmigrantIntegrationPlan. To learn more about the Office of International and Immigrant Affairs, go to AuroraGov.org/International.
Some COVID relief money could be tied to following Colorado's health ordersDENVER — Millions of state-funded grant dollars for small businesses could be tied to a county enforcing public health orders related to COVID-19.
One of the COVID-19 relief bills being considered by Colorado lawmakers in the special session is Senate Bill 20B-001, which would provide $37 million for small businesses and sole proprietors. Those businesses would have to prove at least a 20% revenue loss since March 26, 2020, due to COVID-19 restrictions.
The money would be distributed through counties through an application process that would be set up in early January, with relief payments made no later than February 12, 2021.
However, there is language in the legislation that would require counties to enforce public health orders for businesses in those counties to qualify for the aid.
Weld County has made headlines in the last few weeks, as commissioners have repeatedly said the county would not enforce the state's dial restrictions, and that the governor and the state would need to enforce rules set by the state, and not by Weld County.
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The legislation currently states that an eligible county is "in good-faith compliance with the executive orders pertaining to the public health emergency due to covid-19 and all applicable statewide and local public health orders that establish severe capacity restrictions, as determined by the Division in consultation with the Department of Public Health and Environment."
It goes on to say that the county makes "good-faith efforts to enforce or promote compliance with applicable executive and public health orders within the scope of its authority and in consideration of available resources, including engaging law enforcement to enforce executive and public health order violations."
What would be a "good-faith effort to enforce?"
"Agreeing to try and abide by the executive orders and the public health orders," said bill sponsor Sen. Faith Winter, D-Westminster. "To those businesses that are in unincorporated Weld County, I would ask that you call up your commissioners. As every politician knows there's consequences to your decisions."
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There is an exception for municipalities that follow the guidelines within counties that do not.
"When you tie money to the following of certain orders, in a state that prides itself on local control, it puts all of that control in the hands of either the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment CDPHE or the governor's office," said incoming House Minority Leader Rep. Hugh McKean, R-Loveland.
McKean was encouraged by a different portion of the 28-page bill.
"It's actually on page three, line 10," said McKean.
That section reads: "The general assembly further declares that the executive branch will continue to develop a framework to certify businesses that demonstrate exemplary compliance with public health orders during the pandemic through an evidence-based certification program that is aligned with the state's objectives to contain the COVID-19 virus."
That's a reference to the Mesa County Five-Star Variance Protection Program. A program that Douglas County has considered, to allow businesses to meet certain COVID-19 safety practices so they can expand capacity beyond the county's restrictions.
"I think Mesa County's Five-Star program is the exact place to look. You have a program that encourages the absolute best practice of those businesses. It says that if you follow this and if you can pass an inspection, just to show that you are doing everything you say you are doing, then you're going to be able to operate at that increased capacity," said McKean. "One; it helps that businesses survive. Two; it protects the public's health."
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