Plenty of Trump’s biggest supporters voted for Obama. Purity tests from more than a decade ago smells like Commie behavior. All that matters is who is standing with us today.
A lot of people in GA are so disgusted with their state GOP that they’re thinking and saying exactly the same thing. Some of this is to apply pressure.
It had target practice written all over it
I’ll be able to find one in the am, if it’s not been done before. Will post and hope it gets notabled and pinned for a while.
Prince Philip still breathing is incontrovertible proof of Harry’s fallacy.
It might, but the state GOPs are steadfastly resisting doing anything. They exist in a bubble of total bullshit. They think they will live to fight another day. What they don’t realize is that Trump voters will NEVER vote for any of them again unless they go all in. I think it’s beyond most of them. They are toast. Many of us will make it a mission to see them primaried and defeated. OR if we dump the GOP and form a third party, they will be defeated by a tidal wave of populism. Whatever plays out, the Tea Party will look like a school play dress rehearsal. We’re going on a RINO hunt, regardless.
Twitter is a closed room of fart sniffers.
Break up the “institutions”
Absolutely not.