Take down a few big libtards and they all will crumble. These crooked libtard Governors are weak af.
Who else? Cheney.
That's how mooslam differs from ALL other major world religions.
Vaccines seriously dumb people down. Havent you noticed?
He looks like a homo.
Wont an election contest in GA eliminate both run-offs? It should also unseat Space Cadet Kelly in AZ and election John James in MI, as far as I can see. So, 55Rs in the Senate, and a House majority too after those 3 states are corrected.
Learn to bake, Elf. As an AG, you were useless.
125% on attack.
Defendant Stacey Abrams? That one?
the worst. I lose a lot of respect for the board when I see the catpig slide in notables. Absurd.