You again …. I laugh every time at the irony of this child murderer giving suck.
Nice work
You again …. I laugh every time at the irony of this child murderer giving suck.
Nice work
25 And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring;
Strange as it may sound, we shoul not discount Lin wood being controlled opposition with Powell after disagreeing with Potus on Georgia. I know that’s fringe, and I don’t personally believe it. But everything… I mean everything at this stage is complete ridiculous bullshit.
FFS send in the marines. Arrest, shoot, kill whatever. Just end the ridiculous bullshit.
But if Potus was asked to run…. as Q said… then he has some serious firepower behind him. Think logically. Would he have got this far on his own?
He is a long term, pre Q politician. It is assumed he has committed offences worthy of jail time.
All you needed to say was Baruch. Then go fly a kike
Agreed. ‘’”we have to be shown” the normies, on balance, are ready. Stage set. On ready.
I am Perth WA. All my friends and contacts know. Not all agree or believe in Q. But all are ready.
Everyone is ready.
We are aligned. Either he represents the hooks in the jaws pulling Satan back, or his is the angel of light leading us into the final conflict. Either way we are comfy in the Lord observing this theatre.
I am absolutely loving the idea of a freed nigger handing these people their asses deep fried in peanut oil.
Her parents? Are they not complicit? You saying he is comped?
Help us out bro I am 6 beers in
Probably yours
I can’t contain all the knowledge. I know a lot, but it’s still so small. In the end we know themes. We smell them and see their plans. Even in the very simple aspects of day to day life. Their hand is upon us. I have never felt such animosity. I am a loving person by nature but have been tempted to battle.
Abraham laid his head upon the stone and dreamed of Israel. Gods people.
Not ashkanasi, and not Stacy
The awareness of human imperfection and the desire to overcome it leads us not to, the hollow suit of Marx, but to Jesus, Lord a saviour. There is one name under heaven by which man can be saved.
Probably not. Would you archive or wipe and store offline? But [they] are notoriously stupid so…
Fuckin wow… DS line up to show the sheeple the next instruction. It’s actually a parody
DNA hijack. The rest is a spiral. I will never take. All my liberties will be confiscated. I will watch my lovely grandchildren be zombified.
God help us. Jesus hear our cry.
Can you even read numbnuts?