Nigger is dedicated to this slide today!
Q spoke directly to you in post 4881
Slide all you want nigger, your ass will be the only one that is raw in the end!
Everything to do with your stupid ass nigger slide banner.
Whos the stupid nigger in this equation math genius?
Notice how Qanon/Q_Anon slide niggers get BTFO every time and get mysteriously quiet?
Be vigilant and stay Alert.
Another slide nigger confirms his buttfuck buddy's slide!
Says the slide nigger that accepts the Qanon banner when Q told (you) to stop doing that dividing shit!
But here you're stupid nigger!
Motherfucker if you weren't so fucking stupid this wouldn't be nearly as funny, but here you're stupid nigger, countering Q's claim of telling you to stop this dividing shit!
Here you're confirming you're a slide nigger!
Its like playing cards with your brothers kids with some of you, kids!
Prove i'm not genius!
Your words mean little but literally add up to nigger sliding!
Your ass isn't raw from the rug burns yet?
LMAO@ red text nigger billy bad ass wannabe!
If you are complicit enough to fall for more nigger slides!
I'm not defending that Piece of shit.
But I walked around on a broke fibula for two months thinking I had a torn ligament or tendon!
If it is a real injury he probably has a higher pain threshold then you Anon!
The truth doesn't Lie Anon!
So much nefarious shit was afoot that it is truly mind boggling.
Its not surprising that that entire inept bunch of fucks boon doggled the entire thing!
Q post $4881 speaks directly to you confused Anon.
Now get over there and read that post and stop your dumb shit , lurk moar in the future!
Aww do you need some Spechul Attention today nigger?
There is no Qanon/Q_anon
Only newfags and CIA niggers continue this sliding!
Your ass isn't raw from all the ass grinding you're doing today Slide Nigger?
Is this your 50th or100th time falling for Fake News?
Nigger discounts Q's post telling it to stop sliding.
You niggers are the butt of your own jokes, always will be too!