Across the USA. Wake up folks… Pres. Trump can only do so much… States have to be cleaned out and the systems must be replaced. Get to work in your areas putting together a Government for local, city, county and State Gov. to replace the corrupt government in your area. We need to be ready with a new vote system and begin identifying Constitutional conservatives replacements now.
A New Party will have to be created, staffed and run by Patriots, supported by US to clear those who wish to run for those offices.
Which means the Great Awakening anons will have to be legitimized as a organization and party with a system and places of operation.
This is their greatest fear… US wakening up the population. Creating a system and party outside their control.
Big names and money will need to be found to crank this up.
The World is Watching… lets give them hope for Freedom for the Future.
Lets get a movement going to replace those corrupted by the old system.