Don't know too many "southern belles" do you? They get off on gawdy jewelry because their daddy's train them young, and their sportsball boyfriends are obliged to one-up them. Yep, it's literally that fucked up.
She is correct, and as soon as a court rules on it the other way, she'll have a ton of crow to eat with that diamond.
Read the rest of the post. There is a culture in the south that encourages dads to spoil the fuck out of their daughters to the extent that it takes a "richie" boy (or sportsball-american, or corrupt politician type) to "out do daddy's money" in order to win her affection. It's disgusting. I'm agreeing with what you are saying, and giving background on how deeply rooted the cultural problem is in proliferating the problem of power/control in families. And if you think that's bad, just you wait till you start delving into the drama around pee-wee football.
>Someone is a dumbass.
Yep. Welcome to the south. Lots of the culture down there is nearly a replica of how the DS/Royal families work. There's a reason things like "People Magazine" is so popular there. It's all about "keeping up with the Jones'" in the south.
Lin is calling for martial law.
Lin is calling for a boycott of the most important Senate runoff in our nation's history.
Lin is implying he's on a mission from God.
Lin makes a lot of money off of "legal funds".
Lin's first name is Lucian.
And Hunter Dick Pics.
Because he plays both sides of the field, just like all the rest of them. He's seemingly gone "all in" on Trump during the election fraud expose. Everything about the way he's doing it is suspect as fuck.
Why would Bannon give it away when he could, instead, make a few clickbait bucks from a Chinese connection? Remember:
>And I will not forget he ran Chinese gold/gil farms in WoW & FFXI, paying Chinese kids pennies for exploiting games all shift long.
There's a YouTuber that trolls media all over New York. You can often hear him yelling in the background of outdoor press conferences.
She looks like a pretty girl that hot hit right between the eyes with ugly
Lin Wood and Flynn Martial Law:
You cannot prove Lin is on a mission from God anymore I can prove I'm a save, born again Christian or a Buddhist. I don't have a jealousy problem as I'm very content with a family and a house on a hill (literally). I won't return insult for insult because it doesn't help the discussion at all. I'm just pointing out facts for pondering. I'm not pro/anti Lin. I'm pointing out facts.
Good day, anon.
This calls into question Bannon's intent, and morality. Remember the Alabama senate run off? Bannon worked against Trump, and Trump begrudgingly (and at the last second) endorsed Bannon's candidate; who turned out to be somewhat of a perv; but not a pedo, per se.
>Sorcha Faal is not a credible source.
You again?
How do you know something is true?
Twitter and Facebook ban it at the same time. was the first to break the story of CIA server war at Frankfurt, way ahead of others.
You know is the real deal because it's the only few site that gets automatic shill response here.
You were the shill that tried to debunk it.
By the way it's in notable, the words are out.
>You morons can't win
You're glowing.
We'll win.
The bottle is a collector bottle. What's in it? Who the fuck knows? It's foaming and very light red colour so not blood.
All noise, all from actors playing a role on stage.
Yes; you failed to refute my claims as I provided evidence of mine, so you are running away.
Doesn't accept TOR connections, either. Fuck that noise.
>they don't plan to let him off the hook
Off the hook for what? Disrupting their plans? The way you phrase it, Trump is stuck in the room with them, and not the other way around. I like Wictor, but he sometimes mistakes personal experience/wisdom for facts. I'll watch the vids, though.
going in to vote on the same machines will be a form of acceptance of the first election.
You try your hardest to sow doubt but then double-down on the idiotic bullshit with this?
You're a fledgling shill.
We know every one of you faggots.
USMIL will buttfuck you into oblivian.
Remember Leo Frank!
look at the syringe with liquid in it. with light in colour I meant compared to blood, which I assumed others would assume that the bottle contain.
>How many times do we have to prove Sorcha Faal is bullshit? You think they will suddenly become first class news?
No you stupid fuck. There is no 'we', it's just you. The only dumb fuck here rejecting information before reading it.
The entire article is a covered with links to sources. The author only added his comments here and there. The links alone are good source for research, which is what this board is about.
I don't give a fuck who the author is, I judge every piece of information by itself, the articles from is almost always good, sometimes way ahead of the rest, it's often loaded with 30 links, which at least 5 or so is interesting for me.
All you do is waste your life and whine like a bitch anyway, like you've a personal grudge or some shit.
You don't even have to agree to the author's comment. If you are a researcher you'd know the links are good shit, it often leads to more good info, but you're just a shill parroting personal attacks so what the fuck do you know. attract shills like you that automatically attack it within minutes.
That's how we know you're afraid of it.
That's why I'll keep posting it.
You can suck my anon dick.
>The Breitbart article seems pretty factual.
>He has gone against the president regarding the runoff.
>Plus, need I remind you that he was destroyed in the Elon Musk lawsuit.
>Anybody that would vote for Obama let alone give him money is no friend of mine.
>Fuck him.
Me think you are wrong. The whole Q op would not have been instigated unless all ends were secured already.
If you think saying the military is compromised is somehow instilling faith in the military you're the id10t here
I don't know the difference as I don't intentionally inject myself with it every year like a fucking retard.