This image was used for two years, don't tell me QAnon does not exist, I don't give a fuck what Q says.
If Q says, jump off a bridge, some of you dumbshits would do it.
This image was used for two years, don't tell me QAnon does not exist, I don't give a fuck what Q says.
If Q says, jump off a bridge, some of you dumbshits would do it.
It's funny how you dumb niggers will take Q literally when it comes to something stupid, but if Q points out the Jews you all scream muh jew shill and fake jew nonsense.
I can see right through you stinking kikes.
You kikes are easy to flush out. Once you start losing, you go into cap red textCRAZY
Never fails.
Same group creating banner/thread division is the same JIDF group that calls anyone who sees Jewish corruption a MuhJoo shill.
ID # 4d4372
Mr Pig too.
Trust Wray
>>11887994 ← this is a jew