> guud
But, agree about Gen Flynn being interviewed by Lou MF Dobbs.
You know likey the resident rodent of the board?
>It's just too easy at this point
All we ever asked of the Soros-funded gang was to send us your best.
They couldn't even grant us that much.
What we're experiencing is their best.
Why do ~~Q_ANON~~ niggers hate Q?
You niggers don't care what Q says, tho.
Posters that "don't give a fuck what Q says" sure do mention Q a lot.
Welcome Anons That GAF What Q Says
>A lot of MAGA voted for Obama once, before they woke up
There were several Anons on last night that echoed those sentiments.
I didn't vote in '08.
Wanted no part of No Name and was already sick of the Hussein worship by the time the election arrived.
Never felt dirtier than I did in '12 voting for Romney, but I was in anybody but Hussein mode at that point.
>I'd recommend north Texas for a more "balanced" idea of heat
There was nothing balanced about the heat that 1 July work week I spent in Dallas long ago.