9 scariest words in the English language:
I'm from the government and I'm here to help.
The other 9 scariest words:
I'm the media and I'm telling you the truth.
9 scariest words in the English language:
I'm from the government and I'm here to help.
The other 9 scariest words:
I'm the media and I'm telling you the truth.
>where is rubio ?
>where is mike lee ?
>where is lidnsey graham ?
These are rhetorical questions, right?
Congress is the executive board of United States, Inc., a for-profit corporation that works in the best interests of the owners,
Which are NOT the American people.
Ds and Rs work for the owners of the government services corporation doing business as United States.
The owners are NOT the American people.
It is these owners that have been moving the socialist, one-world government agenda forward with the assistance of complacent Rs.
Oh, they'll play their part and complain all the way up to the point it's time to do something.
The magnitude of the fraud and crimes perpetuated against the American people cannot be overstated.
It's been going on for generations.
The IRS is not part of the federal government.
It is the collection arm of the Federal Reserve.
Also, NOT part of the federal government.
Every nickel of income tax collected goes to pay the interest on the national debt.
Been that way since first reported during the Reagan era.
Debt was only $400 Billion at the time.