The New Republic doesn't like "Sorcha Faal" at all, at all.
Obviously, to motivate this level of hate, "Sorcha" Ru intell is letting air out of the cult's balloons
What presents come in a Sorcha package?
>Take, for example, the conspiracy theory that DNC staffer Seth Rich was killed in 2016 by a “hit team”; or the campaign seeking to tar Christine Blasey Ford, the woman who accused Justice Kavanaugh of sexually assaulting her in high school, as deeply tied to the CIA; or the report that the bones of children were found on Jeffrey Epstein’s island—all these myths lead back to one person. In each of these cases, we can confidently trace the confabulation in question to a man named David Lawrence Booth.
"Sorcha" is a person just as Pepe is.
>“I’m getting tired of everybody saying that Sorcha Faal is a fake,” complained Gary Larrabee, an elderly YouTuber with 35,000 followers who’s fond of reading Faal’s posts aloud.
Excellent work, by Ru MI GRU