again you are a shill have always been . you post this meme our old banner btw and tell people tht doesn't exist … no QANON doesn't exist Q- and anons separated like this Q_anon does … and it was our banner for 90 percent of breads until shill got ahold started putting another one in and shilling anone who didn't agree as cia then started using mr pig memes as the banner then started notableing mr pig now it happens constantlhy so please before we need to show up at your door stfu
there is a shill red alert he posts the Q_anon meme
stating their is no Q_anon to baker and to all shills that somehow have ganed tremendous power enough to make anons stp posting due to high volumes of your a cia shill every time you mention the shilling
baker puts mr pig in notables
baker calls you cia shill if you ask why
baker will change banner to mr pig
baker now tells all of the board your a cia shill he checked and to post mr pig memes to piss off the shills
added in to this are people posting the old banner we used for every fucking bread if I see anyone say that its not real again fuck off your a shill.
the Q_Anon banner was used up until recently for over 9000 breads go ahead call me what you will its quite easy to check I did myself its clearly projection when you say this and baker comes back with your a cia shill
…. imm 29 live in the country and am married that wont help you find me but im not even a college grad I have never ever been in any agency not even police I do manuel labor so clearly this baker is a shill if he can only yell your a cia shill when someone actually calls him out . someone ban this fuck its causing serious problems